Urban Garden2022Acrylic on Wood
18"x24"Private Collection
Juxtaposition 2023Acrylic on linen
30"x40"Mary Hrbacek’s Description:
“Juxtaposition” reveals a kind of kaleidoscopic dream space one can enter on the lower left and pivot through the airy atmosphere of the free-floating expanse. The emotionally charged yet subdued red underpinning supports cut-out rectangles and hexagrams in a work that provides a feeling of relaxed euphoric freedom.”
Arrangements2023Acrylic on Linen
30" x 40" We always refer to nature as organic meaning free flowing, however, everything in nature has an order to it and it is more geometric than we realize.
Shiraz 2 - Light and Reflection2021Acrylic
36" x 48"Shiraz - beautiful, colorful city of poets and beauty in Iran. This is a composite of my imagination of all the colors reflected in mosaic and stain glass details in palaces and mosques I visited. Fragile and threatened by time and history.
Turquoise Bowl X III2015Acrylic
12X16Single panel
40" x 60"During the summer the colors are always deeper and warmer. The undertone of gold on canvas is to enhance the heat associated with summer season.
Private Collection
Spring garden2023Acrylic on Linen
30" x 40" As an avid gardener I take so much of inspiration directly from nature. Of course as an artist I can create my imaginary arrangement as flowers and plants don’t all bloom at the same time.
Blue2022Acrylic on wood
16" x 20"This is a playful arrangement of flowers within and without the decorative elements.
Private Collection
Whimsical Arrangement2022Acrylic on Linen
36" x 48"This is an ode to the architecture of Shiraz where floral arrangement is weaved through the mosaic work. Taking liberty of free form to bring the bright colors into an organized and disorganized space, where forms break away from their constrained space to make new shapes to create depth within itself.
Private Collection
From the Persian Gardn2021Oil and oil sticks
20" x24"Private Collection
Detail of From Persian Garden
Oil and oil sticks
Ode to the masters2021Acrylic
18" x 24" I have always admired the overflowing floral paintings of the old masters. This is a more modern take of the arrangement with my favorite blue.
Le Jardin #42021Acrylic
36" x 48"Private Collection
16" x 20"
Flowers2020Oil on Aluminum
16" x 12"Construction and de-construction of this painting. I started with a very realistic painting of flowers and then destroyed them by painting over them. It was a difficult process at first and then surprisingly satisfying.
Le Jardin #3
30" x 40"
Le Jardin #22019Acrylic
30" x 40"Le Jardin paintings are part of my flower series; experimenting with the traditional fine art oil painting and the more contemporary approach with acrylic paints. Oil paints give a luscious depth and texture to the painting which is sometimes missing in acrylics. By the same token acrylics give a freedom to manipulation which is missing in oil. Manipulating the mediums is my favorite part of the process. You can see more of the latest paintings on my website. The acrylic paintings tend to be very large while the oils are smaller to keep the colors fresh and vibrant.
Le Jardin #2 - DETAIL
Le Jardin2019Oil
18" x 18"Private Collection
Detail of Le Jardin
40" x 60"Flowers and vases
Spring Revisited
40" x 60"
24" x 30"
18" x 24"
Dragon Eye2017Oil
12" x 12"Private Collection
Isfahan - khol containers
24" x 30"
Fractured Reality2016Acrylic
40 x 60Looking through a glass you never really see the image in front of you. The distortions are always there.
Green Urn
30" x 40"
Persian Buttercup
18" x !8"
Bowl of Life II
24" xx 30"
Bowl of Life III2016Acrylic
24" x 30"The explosion of the colors from the bowl of life and pomegranate.
Bowl of life2016Acrylic
24"x 30"The color blue represents air and water. The blue bowl is a vessel for holding these important elements. The pomegranate fruit is considered the fruit of life in many cultures, especially the middle east and a close tie to my roots.
Bowl and Pomegranate2015Acrylic
12" x 16" each panelThe colors turquoise and red are very prominent in my paintings and are tied closely to my Persian roots where the colors in the fabric, carpet and architecture are strong, vibrant and exciting.
Turquoise Bowl2015Acrylic
24"x 30"Private Collection
Turquoise Bowl x III
Each Panel 12"x !6"
All images copyright © Afsaneh Djabbari-Aslani.All rights reserved.